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just sa hi if she asks you say yes u never know she may be nice

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Q: How do you reply to someone you know that she knows that you have a crush on her and that you are in 5th grade and she is in4th grade and has a small crush on you too?
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Is it weird to like a girl since 2th grade to seventh grade?

No I've liked someone since 7th grade up to 10th grade.. and who knows for how much longer

How do you know if your 7th grade crush knows you like him and if he likes you back?

You don't really know if he/she likes you unless you write him/her a letter of some sort or something like that.

Should you tell your friend who you have a crush on even if your friend knows who your crush is?

yes! it might not matter if she already knows. but dont let her/him bother you..

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Only she knows.

My foster carer Tony knows I have crush on him why do he say I was acting like he is my boyfriend?

Because he knows you have a crush on him, and you probably show it more than you realize.

Why does one who knows i had a crush on him now calls me by my long name?

Could be any reason. Why not use that as an excuse to talk to him. Either you get him or you can move on to someone else.

What does it mean when your crush knows you like them but it's hard to interpret how they feel if they don't talk to you?

The only way to know how someone really feels about you is to ask them

You are in 6th Grade and you have a crush on a girl in 8th grade what can you do to Talk to her without being scared to?

everyone's scared about talking to their crush. the tricky part is not to show how nervous you are. just tell her something like "i like your shoes" but without being creepy. dont try to push yourself on her, just gradually start talking to her more. if she knows you're nice and mature, she'll talk to you too. and who knows where that could go. :) hope this helps. good luck!

What if your crush keep telling you about his crush?

tell him how u feel... u will never have him if he never knows how u feel becasuse deep inside he may like u and he is just using someone else to cover it up

Who doe's Olivia Holt have a crush on?

she have a crush on billy unger and she knows it i hope that she told you leo

Can you feel like a person is your soulmate and they dont feel the same?

I am sorry but no. If someone is your soul mate then it will mean that they have recognized and acknowledged your significance in their life as their soulmate. What you are experiencing is a 'crush'.Sorry , but its merely a crush. In order to have a soulmate you have to have someone that loves you in the way you love them back , someone that knows you exist and plays an important role in your life .

You are in 10th grade and this guy knows you like him but he like someone else- you do talk and have flirty conversations online- but how do you get him to like you?

How about touch his genitals?