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I have just had my heart broken and know how you feel.The only advice i can give is the advice i keep drilling into my mind everyday for the past 4 weeks - get out there and meet new will take your mind off your heartache.just remember that you wont be lonely forever,its just the initial shock of loosing someone and your whole routine is messed up because that person left you and not only do you have to deal with a broken heart but you also have to deal with the overwhelming feeling of loneliness,i know exactly how you feel and the only thing that i can say to you is see your family more,get more involved with your friends again and build up a new routine and eventually the one you had with your partner will fade and you will no longer feel the isolating feeling of loneliness.Maybe you could talk up a hobby or get more involved with work or whatever you are doing right now,you juse need a few months to settle down again and the feeling of loneliness will go away,ive been through it before now and i was fine after a will do fine,you only need yourself to live your life!


You find other things to do that you havent done before. You change your scenery or the place you live, decor wise. You evolve as a mature person and deal with the fact that that part of your life is done and now you must move on. I am sorry that your heart has been broken but better to known love when you had it then not at all. There is more love out there and I know it will take you a while to get through this. Humans are creatures of comfort and habit so when those things which made of comfortable and were constant are changed we withdraw and get scared. Understandable, but there is so much more to you then being defined by another. You have talents that no one else has, you have ways about you that no one else has, you have ideas all your own, you have choices you can make that no one can take from you. Grab life and take a ride to make yourself who you are. At the end of everyday, whether we are in a relationship or alone we still can only depend on ourselves, to have others in our lives only makes it more interesting. Be good to yourself and go out and do something right now for yourself. Go and buy yourself something or buy something for a homeless person. You may not have someone to share your house with but that person has even less.......

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I just wanted to thank you both for the answers, I couldn't stop crying thinking of the answers posted, it's very thoughtful. And tremendously helpful. I will definitely take it on. My situation is worsened by the fact that he actually cheated on me and then because he feels too guilty he doesn't want me back. It is absolutely awful. I have asked him back endlessly as I still love him. It's very hard to let go. I feel like I am stuck in the middle, I love him so much that on my not-so-good-days (which is frequent) if he asked me back I might (it's a very slim chance but I can daydream right?) and on my good days, I think how much I should move on because he doesn't deserve me. I think to myself, the best revenge is to show him I have moved on. Anyway, THANK YOU so much for your answers, you have made my day :)

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13y ago

throw out everything that reminds you of him, go out wiht your friends alot and always keep yourself occupied so you dont think about it. Start flirting with others when your ready to move on prove to him your better off like this, and dont make him have his way :) or her

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12y ago
  • Whenever someone breaks up with someone they will feel vulnerable; sad and lonely and even depressed and this is very normal. Normal because you have so many questions as to why the relationship didn't work out and also the good memories you both had together. It is a good thing to feel lonely to a degree or individuals wouldn't know what happiness is when it comes their way and not appreciate their friends or other loved ones around them. The best thing to do is get out with your friends and try to have some fun and by doing this you will find that special someone that should be in your life. Fate has a way of leading each of us down different paths in our lives for a reason. In your case the person you were with was probably not the right person for you so thus, the break up so you are free to eventually meet that special someone that should be in your life. Get out, have fun and know there is someone special out there that you will meet when you least expect it.
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