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Jealousy is usually caused by insecurity and low self esteem. Could you put in some more detail as to what your jealous about? It assists in coming up with a solution if the situation is known.

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12y ago

think about everything you have! and how they should be jealous of you lol(:

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Q: How do you not get jealous Of other girls?
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Wouldn't you?

When was Jealous Girls created?

Jealous Girls was created in 2005.

Is a guy who likes you insecure if he flirts with other girls to make you jealous?

yes if he flirts with other girls, it is to "up" his self esteem.

How do you make her jelous?

Girls get jealous very easily. One of the easiest ways to do this is to flirt with other girls whenever you're around her. Another thing that might make her jealous is to talk to her about girls you like.

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Because other people are jealous.

How do you get a girlfriend jealous?

Look at other girls, say they r hot under your breath, talk to other girls, and basically do a lot of stuff with other girls.

Why does the girl you like try to make you so jealous?

all girls are like that, they get jealous because they really like you and they want to be with you and they dont want u to be around other girls because they will think that they wont have a chance or that you dont like them..its very complicated but if u like her then ask her out dont tell her u like her and then go flirt with other girls and hang with other girls

Why do girls hate other girls that they don't even know or talk to?

girls are very weird, and very bossy so, usually they are just jealous of the other girl and feel threatened by them.

Do boys or girls get jealous easier?

Uspy girls get jealous easier because they tend to care more and are sensitive

Why do girls talk to other guys when they have a boyfriend?

Because they secretly enjoy the jealous reaction it arouses.

How will you make girls fall for you?

act funny but a bit dopey at the same time and make them laugh try not to flirt with other girls because girls can get pretty jealous

Why do girls are jealous of girls?

what do you mean? i dont understand your grammar.