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trick or confusing them helps me (hint-use lots of big words)

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Q: How do you make your sister to tell the true?
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What will you do when your older sister leaves you alone?

Tell her shes weird and make her leave my saying something she won't like and then later tell her it wasn't true.

Can you tell when there is a hurricane?

no you can make a gess but it might not be true

You hurt your sister who you were very close with by what another sister said how can you make things right?

just tell your other sister to shut up. If you are a good sister, dont tell her things that are mean that other people say about her. Its just like insulting her yourself.

How do you make your sister turn off the TV?

You tell her that her mom wants her, then take it if it is a laptop.

How do you make a little sister brush her teeth?

Tell your mom. She'll take care of it.

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Is it OK for your sister to make you wear petticoats?

Believe it or not it is not uncommon for a sister to make her younger brother do want she wants, but if you dislike wearing her petticoats then refuse to do it and if she doesn't stop then tell your parents.

How do you make your mom ground your sister?

Tell your sister to do a prank on your mom and when she does mom will get mad and when sister says that you told her to do it you say i didn't say nothing to her shes making a lie to get me in trouble.

How do you make your sister hate Justin bieber?

why do you want to know!? well tell her how bad he is. you disgust me

How can you make a person tell the true?

just be your self or be a person that can trust on

Can your sister make you move out of moms and mine property?

If your sister doesn't own the property, it's really none of her business who lives there. Tell her to step off.

How do you get a brother or sister?

Tell your parents how you feel about having a sibling. The decision is theirs to make, but knowing that you'd like a brother or sister is a big part of that decision.