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Tell him that you feel that he is not validating your feelings. In a relationship, especially marriage, both should be able to talk openly about their feelings. Communication is key. Don't try to make or manipulate someone to do something, it'll just make the other person that you're trying to make them do/think/feel something.

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Q: How do you make your husband validate your feelings?
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perhaps he still has feelings for you.

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You should not let you husband to cheat at the first place. It can hurt the feelings of both of you.

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To make sure that the website is real.

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As bad as that is you might still have feelings for your ex. The right thing to do is to go things over with yourself and see if you love your husband or if you still have feelings for the ex. If you really believe you still have feelings for your ex you should confront your husband about it, its only fair to him.

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neither ,, its because they have the same feelings !!

How do you reconnect with your husband when he says he has no feelings for you and wants to be left alone?

I don't think there's anything you can do because he said that he had no feelings for you. I think that maybe you should move on without him. You should find yourseld someone who does have feelings for you instead of trying to reconnect with your husband who doesn't like you.