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Guys don't like it when you put too much makeup. Be yourself, try to make them jealous. Show them what you are. Girl Power. Don't act all s*utty, b*tchy, or put to much make up. Guys like looks at are natural looks but try a smoky eye look. Guys dig that. Or wear eyeliner, a bit of mascara, a bit of blush and a bit of concealer if you have dark circles under your eyes. If they don't care. Break up with them. It's their lost if they don't accept you for who you are. Remember girls rule guys remember.

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Q: How do you make your boyfriend addicted to you?
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Woah woah woah. I'm sorry but I think he is just into you for your chest. I say dump him.

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This could be more of an obsession, overbearing and control issue as opposed to "addicted". You have to be very careful with these feelings as they can become serious - you may need to talk to someone concerning this. You could push him away if you are too clingy.

How do you make a girlfriend addicted to breastfeed her boyfriend?

LOLL What a question Ammm I would say hypnosis(change how she feels about it) But if you considering hypnosis>here's a link htt ps ://bit .ly/3 alxMv0 (Remove spaces)