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Why do you want someone who doesn't like you to kiss you? If he doesn't like you, then let it go and focus on your friends and people who do like you. Boys like girls who feel good about themselves. If you act like you are desperate for him to like you, it will make him like you even less than he already does. Play it cool and ignore him. It works.

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He has to get to know you so that he can fall in love with the person you are. Just as you have to get to know him before you can kiss him.

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Q: How do you make a guy you see but dont know want to kiss you?
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How do you kiss if you dont want anyone to know?

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What to do to make her kiss you?

you know what first you have to flirt then say that she is pretty and if she is giggling or flirting back then you lean in and do you know what... but first you have to know her and be urself also dont ever kiss her when she doesnt want to kiss you got it and u better be a good kisser

How do you know when to make the first move?

if you want to make the first move, make it. steal a kiss, or hug. Dont let the other person make it before you do.

You want to kiss a girl but don't know if she loves you or is a friend What do you do?

wateva u do dont do washin machine make sure ur tongue is nice and lubracated then kiss her on the lips

Ive got a boyfriend and you want 2 kiss him but you dont know what to do with your lips when they meet his what do you do with your lips when they meet his?

you move your have to be confotable with him,if you dont know how to kiss this may be your best time. you move your have to be confotable with him,if you dont know how to kiss this may be your best time.

What is a commercial antacid i really dont know but how about you lameos that want to know but get a life kiss a girl do something?

i will

How do you tell a boy loves you and is going to kiss you?

i dont wanna do that so i think you should kiss him back if you like him but if you dont like him dont make the moment awkerd just say that " i dont really wanna kiss you" or while hes trying to kiss just say" what are you doing" you may make him feel embarresed but no one want to kiss boys they dont like

How do you make a guy want to kiss you?

Firstly, if you are going out with him, he definitely wants to kiss you (trust me). Any way just give him hints like licking your lips or looking in his eyes. If he wants to kiss you he will respond and know you want to kiss him. If you think he wants to kiss you, but he's just shy, dont be afraid to go in and kiss him (trust me, he'll love it). put shorts or make you some hot side at his eyes

How do you just kiss someone out of the blue?

A: Dont kiss someone unless you now your ready and you know that he/she loves you. Say to the person "what would you do if I kissed you ?" and if its a positive response kiss them, make sure you know its what you want to do first. x Good Luck! Steph x

Want to make out with girl you know and she wants to make out with you but you dont want a relationship or anything should i just go up to her and kiss her?

you need to make sure shes up for that.or she might get the idea you want to have a relashionship.making out with out a relationship is never a good idea!

How can you tell when a kiss comes?

he/she will try to make it really obvious cuz if they try and you dont pick up, they'll be really embarrassed, so they want to make sure you know and that you're ready.

How do you know when boyfriend dont want you no more?

when he treats you like he dont want you no more.When he wont kiss you in public, wont hold you anymore, and if he goes to school with you he wont sit or talk to you when you want.