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Q: How do you maintain a relationship with someone you love but still love someone else as well Even if you want to stay with the current person?
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How do you maintain a relationship with someone you love when you love someone else even when you want to stay with the current person?

u don't ! i would seem u don't love the person ur with now why would u love a different person u obviously don't love this person ur with if ur in love with another person

Is it right when you love someone but like another person?

Yes, that is fine. As long as you do not cheat on your partner with the other person whilst in a relationship, there is nothing wrong with liking someone else as well as your current partner.

Why do men leave pretty women for ugly ones?

The reason a person ends a relationship to be with someone new is because they feel they get more benefits, emotionally and/or sexually, with the new person than from their current relationship. It often has little to do with physical looks. If you were to meet someone you felt overall was a better fit for you, someone you felt more compatible with, would you stay in your current relationship out of a sense of loyalty, while secretly wanting that other person? Would you want someone to date you, while secretly wanting someone else, and possibly ending up cheating on you to get that person? __________________________________________________________________________ Also Because some people are pretty on the outside and ugly on the inside, while those that you call ugly are pretty on the inside.

What is it called when someone in a relationship can do or say something but the other person can't?

A bad relationship.

Is it ok to have a crush on someone else and already be in a relationship?

Well what I think is if you have a relationship with someone that that person is the only person you like and have feelings for. But if you do have a crush on someone dont act on it, or talk to the person you are in a relationship and tell him/her what you are feeling and see what they say...But its best to forget about the crush because you are in a relationship. But if you dont want to be in the relationship you are in then break up with the person in a kind way and then go for your crush, but to tell you the truth I would stay with the person your in the relationship with because the person you have a crush on might not like you back and then you lose the person you were dating and the person you liked, so you could basically lose both of them.

Would a crush like you but already have a girlfriend or boyfriend?

It's possible for someone to have feelings for someone else while in a committed relationship, but it's important for them to remain loyal and respectful to their partner. If a person is in a relationship and has a crush on someone else, they should focus on their current relationship and address any feelings they may have with their partner.

You are in a relationship but want to be with someone else what do you do?

simply tell the person you are in a relationship with that you are intrested in someone else and just be honest with them and tell them how you really feel.

What do you do if you like somone but they have a girlfriend?

Do nothing until their current relationship has ended. It's never a wise move (nor does it make you a better person) to intrude on someone's else's relationship. When she's single, you can get to know her, flirt with her and see how things go.

What does it mean when you are in a relationship and one person is there for the other but when the other person doesnt seem to be there as much?

A relationship with someone who is 'really not into you'. You may also call it a one sided relationship, which is not really a relationship at all.

What should you do if your in a relationship with someone but you like a different person who is in a relationship too?

Well, you have to break up with the person you are going out with. Then you have to wait for the other person to get out of their relationship before asking them out. Don't try to sabotage their relationship. After all, you wouldn't want someone to do that to you. Think about the consequences of your actions before doing anything too drastic.

Is it possible to maintain a regular relationship with someone with mental illness?

it is but its not advisable Of course it is! People with a mental disorder are still people and it is always possible to have a regular relationship with a person. Believing that it's not possible is a serious stigma that people with mental disorders have to deal with, and it can be very damaging.

What in an involved partner mean in relationship status?

someone who cares about the other person and cares about the relationship altogether.