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You have to say "I'm sorry but I have to let you go, everybody has to move on one day or another" wave good bye and walk away without looking back....

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Q: How do you let someone that your in love with go while you pregnant?
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Your son is in love with a girl who is pregnant?

The poor girl needs someone to be a father figure for the baby so let him be in love with her.

When was Let's Love While We Can created?

Let's Love While We Can was created in 1980.

If you truly love someone let them free?

yes if you truly love someone let them go, and if it is meant to be they will come back to you. Love is like that,

How do you let go of someone you love so much after a break up?

It is a hard thing to let go of something you love somuch but after time you learn to love some one else just like if a relitive dies you miss them a lot but you let go after a while

How do you let go husband who does not love me snd love someone else?

=Well it is hard but if he loves someone else and you really love him you would let him go with his heart and you would let him have what he wants=

How do you hang on to someone you love?

well just let them love you.

Do You Have To Like Someone To Love Them?

No you do not have to like someone to love them but sometimes it is better to like them to let a relationship grow.

How do you get somebody to fall in love with you?

you don't get someone to fall in love with you you let them fall in love with you.

What must you do when you love someone and she wants to be out of the relationship?

You let her go. Or you convince her otherwise. If you truly love her, though, you'll let her go; to love someone is to prefer their happiness to your own. If it is meant to be, it will happen.

How do you let go of someone you really love?

It's never easy to forget about someone you love. Sometimes, it just takes time. That's always the case. You can't expect to get over someone you've been in love with for a while now. Just let time heal you. In the mean time, try to get out there and start dating again! Don't be afraid. You can't move on unless if you try.

How do you let someone know you really love them?

Tell them

Is there a quote you love someone but they let you go?

Yes there is. The saying is "If you love someone, let them go...if they come back, they are yours. If they don't, it was never meant to be. Hope this helps! :)