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True love is an extremely strong emotion, one that makes you consider the other person's feelings and needs over your own. If you can't stay faithful, you either do not love that person or you have a problem that you need to resolve within yourself. Find out which it is and if you need to, seek help to resolve your issues. Then, if you do love that person, perhaps you can get back together. Otherwise, think of the other person and let the person go.

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10y ago
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14y ago

Letting go of someone you love is very hard , but sometimes its for the best ,

some do say tht you shudnt let go of someone you cant go a day witout thinking about,

but sometimes if you done let them go youll let tha better person and possible your true love pass you by ,

so dont nessacarily forget them but move on to other people dont let tht person hold you up go places meet people and sooner or later youll find someone tht is truly perfect for you ,

and keep your head hels high lik your nose is bleedin as weezy f baby wud say !

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14y ago

well, that person needs to think .

does that person want you or the other person.

they need to think who they love most.

but, maybe you should go out with your friends and have fun, dont sit there in darkness crying.
go do things that make you happy and dont think about the person, i know it will be hard but you got to trust yourself :)

believe and you can achieve :)

you will get over the person just takes time :)

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13y ago

If they truly love you they wouldn't be with someone else. to let go is hard but it takes a few weeks of no contact with them and the company of a good friend or other interesting person.

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18y ago

be more specific. what type of relationship?

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15y ago

you let them you easy.

For Example go to dinner and them let them down easy.

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Yes there is. The saying is "If you love someone, let them go...if they come back, they are yours. If they don't, it was never meant to be. Hope this helps! :)

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You can try not thinking about them. Get outside and let go:)

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Finish the question properly.

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