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Don't look back as whatever reason for your decision was probably not your fault anyway. Telling you it was is just self justification to them. They probably weren't worth it as they did not care for what they did. You couldn't fully trust them anymore, there are more fish in the sea, move on, don't keep looking for the sharks, look for the fish.

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13y ago
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2y ago
yea im having trouble i haven eaten for a month
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16y ago

Cut contact with your ex. Remove things from your space that remind you of him/her. When you find yourself thinking about him/her, deliberately switch your thoughts to something else, or read a book, or keep your mind otherwise occupied. Don't hang out where he/she does. Don't talk about him/her with mutual friends, and ask them not to do this with you. If you have children with this person, get counseling - because it's important you not damage them just because you can't emotionally disconnect. YOu take yourself to a place in your heart and head that tells you it is time to move on. Dont forget the good times, let go of the bad times and learn from them for future relationships. If you lived together then disgard anything, not of value and make some changes in your own life. change the decor around a bit, go to different places, meet new people, not to date, just to hang with, try new acitivites. Take up a new hobby, get a pet. If you ended on a sour note, people say that it helps to burn their left behind crap, safely of course. Give their stuff away to goodwill or some homeless people, they can use stuff too. I dont know what happened but rest assured that you cannot live the rest of your life with angst and regret. It is so much easier said then done, I do know that, but it can be done just do something for youself everyday, no matter how small, buy yourself something you always wanted, cook a really delicious meal and share it with some of your closest friends. I have said this before, when your alone your lonely, when you two, your comfortable, but when you exist as one while your two your great but you still exist... Live for yourself first then for others... dont be selfish, just be good to yourself... Have fun and good luck......... Sounds like you are holding onto your own ankle over the edge of a cliff. You are going to fall and hard.

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12y ago

that depends on what kind of relation you had...

(i'm going with friendship-/love-relationship situations)

Basically everybody has his ritual he does it whit.

some persons...

  • go as far away as they can and come back when they know they can move on.
  • try to find a new person to replace the other person.
  • go cry till they find out it's lost and it's better or it has to be like this.
  • go drink alcohol and try to ban bad feelings and memories.
  • go talk about it
  • go talk about it and then go burn pictures
  • kill themselves (this actually happens but isn't recommended and very stupid.)
  • just move on.

if you're talking about a employer or something than...

  • there is no easy way.
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16y ago

You need to be straight forward, honest and firm with them - tell them to leave you alone. If you find that they just are not going away you may have to take matters higher such as your parents should know about this (if your younger) and the police may have to be informed if it gets out of hand. Sometimes ex's just cannot get the hint and become overwhelmed, obsessed and just don't get it which can cause a lot of problems and even become scary. Be careful.

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16y ago

Well, it's much easier said than done, that's for sure. But it can be done. It just takes patience and a willingness to experience the pain of heartache for a little bit. But nothing's permanent and the pain will go away. Keep telling yourself that one day this will all just be a memory and that, hopefully, one day you will be with the one who truly loves you and you will actually be glad you let go of that other girl. Meanwhile, allow yourself to feel the pain, without wallowing in it. Don't be so afraid of the heartache. People are often so fearful of pain and rejection, that they'll do anything, fight anyone, to try and avoid that momentary pain. Understand and accept that just about everyone experiences rejection and heartache and that people live through it and that you will, too.

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13y ago

Well, whenever I let go let of my ex-girlfriend I decided that exposing my sexual behavior would be the best route. So, I became a male exotic dancer. All of the attention from the women in the club has really boosted my self-esteem. I encourage similar exploitations!

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11y ago

You should through away or put aside everything that he/she gave you. Then you need to think to yourself that he/she isn't worth it and delete their number and email and whatever else you have them on. Also think about the other guys/girls that are better looking, nicer and would do anything for you and i guarentee that should work. Also when your alone and no one is near you at all it sometimes helps to just have a good cry and sometimes just look like an idiot and let go of everything in your life. Just be you.

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15y ago

Just remember the reason why he/she is an ex.

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