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i think that if you get pregnant on the pill that you must not of taked them when you are soposed to or the pill didnt work if you think you are pregnant while you are on the pill you may of missed a time where you might of forgoten to take it or if not the pill may not haved work just go and get a pregnancy test to make sure.

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Q: How do you know you are pregnant when you are on the pill and you have been taking them all the times you have to take them how can you get pregnant?
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How can you know if you pregnant without taking a test?

You cannot.

Does pregnancy test or any other test can tellhow many times a woman have been pregnant?

No. There is no test that shows how many times a woman has been pregnant. If you want to know you should ask her but it is up to her if she wishes to keep that information private.

How do you know if you are pregnant if you miss one pill?

By taking a pregnancy test

What happens if your pregnant and you take BC?

Then you are pregnant. Birth control pills will not have major side effects on the fetus, but it is best to stop taking them as soon as you know you are pregnant.

Will a baby be born with a birth defect if you are taking a diet pill and do not know if you are pregnant?

I know of no birth defects associated with diet pill use, but know two things: 1) As soon as you discover you are pregnant, you should stop taking all over-the-counter medicines until you first talk with your doctor and get his okay. 2) No one who is pregnant should be taking diet pills, so don't continue.

If your 3 weeks pregnant but don't know it should you keep taking the pill in case you aren't or stop taking it in case you are?

Take a pregnancy test, which will certainly be positive if you're three weeks pregnant.

Can doxycycline make your period late?

i don't know, but i think it must because i'm taking it and mine is late, and i've never been late in my life and i'm definitely not pregnant.

How do you know if you're pregnant while on birth control?

The only way you would know if you are pregnant is by taking a pregnancy test or getting your blood drawn and checked for a beta hcg level.

How do you know when youre pregnant when your period is irregular?

You would know if you're pregnant by taking a pregnancy test. A pregnancy test can be taken from two weeks after intercourse and doesn't require you to know when your period should have started.

How do I know if I am I pregnant?

Most of the times, an over the counter pregnancy test will tell you if you are pregnant. If not, go to your local doctor and they can tell by your hormones if you are pregnant or not.

How do I know if I am pregnant?

Most of the times, an over the counter pregnancy test will tell you if you are pregnant. If not, go to your local doctor and they can tell by your hormones if you are pregnant or not.

Not know your pregnant and has been on anesthesia affect baby?

I don't really understand the question due to the wording, but, if you found out you were pregnant and have been taking some type of medication that is powerful like pain killers, etc. , I suggest you contact your doctor immediately. Mainly because some medications can harm the child.