Some people say if their pupils get bigger they really like you. It's the same theory when you see something that amazes you. like a big park or a nice garden. But sometimes it's to hard to tell. You can just see by the way he looks at you.(most of the time) Hope this helps. :D
the guy tells you
You kiss him...Then you find out!
it rlly all depends on the type of guy
When he tells you he loves you and shows it. Don't believe them all...
he is still with you.
Find a better guy. If he isn't willing to admit he loves you, he isn't worth your time.
get to know him,hang out a guy loves a girl who he understands
If he prances about gayly and watches gay porn!
Ask him. That's the best way to know.
If a guy loves you he will normally let you know in his own time.
You know that he can't. No Guy who has never met you can love you truly.