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If he is abusive, that should be enough. No one should remain in a relationship where they are abused. A: First, review his history. Has he ever been arrested for violence? Convicted? Does he work in a violent profession? Next, does he have a substance abuse problem? Alcohol, prescription medication, drugs? If so, is he receiving therapy for this, and how is the therapy progressing? Was his childhood abusive? Does he have poor impulse control? Lose his temper quickly? Buy expensive things on the spur of the moment? Road rage? Now -- on to you. Do you come from an abusive home (it sets a bad example and makes it hard for you to judge your danger level)? Has he hit you? Left marks or injuries that prevented you from going outside or required you to cover the injuries up to prevent embarrassment and questions? If you have kids or pets, does he ever hit them? Are the injuries gone the next morning, stay for a week, or last longer? The more of these you answer YES, the greater the level of danger. The fact that you even ask this question worries me considerably. If he gets physical with you on a regular basis, you really should BOTH seek counselling together. If he won't go, do it yourself. If you think for a minute there's the threat of homocide, get out of that house instantly. If you don't have relatives, there are tons of half-way houses that will arrange for you to stay. Without councilling, this type of behavior tends to escalate. That you're asking this question tells me you need to take action today. Ask here again if you need more details.

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Q: How do you know if your husband is truly abusive to the point that he can kill you?
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