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It is possible for a man to have a woman friend and also for a woman to have a male friend and it happens all the time. I have male friends and there are times I will discuss certain things with one of them, but, I always go to my husband if I feel we are weak in an area of our marriage. My husband also has a couple of female friends (he met them long before he met me as I did my male friends.) We have had them over for dinner and there is absolutely no problem. Marcy It appears there is a big lack of communication in your marriage and both of you need to sit down and start working on that. Whether living together or married your mate should not only be your lover, but your best friend and you should be able to go to each other and talk over any problems you may have at the time. Men having women friends and women having men friends is just fine, but, he should be coming to you for advice and not flying off to his woman friend every time he hits an obstacle. My husband has a couple of women friends and I have male friends and we ask them over for dinner. They are fun to be around, but neither of us run to them for any advice on our marriage. Every day my husband and I take an hour out of our day and talk over each other's day. If we have a problem we put our heads together to come up with the best solution to the problem we can. It's a great feeling to know your best friend is your mate and that you can trust them. Just because your husband is discussing things with this woman friend doesn't mean he's having an affair with her. If you want to keep him, then sit down and discuss with him that both of you have got to start communicating more in your marriage. Good luck Marcy why does he need a woman friend? I think something is going on. Having a woman friend as in couples as friend is different than having just a woman friend. Why would you need a male friend? Why would you go to him instead of your spouse/lover/ or mate? Something is going on. Either on both parts or just his.

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13y ago

If you're asking, then you shouldn't be with him. You don't trust him, why would you want to be with him and have to worry all the time. Go find someone you can trust. Whether he is or not, the seed of doubt has been planted. Resentment usually comes close behind.


There are ways you can tell if your husband is been having an affair. Always pay attention to his action and behavior;

1- always in a hurry to leave for work, or need to work a bit late

2- always dress up just to go to work

3- he will have this look on his face of being happy

4- he takes a shower twice a day especially when he gets home, or he looks and smell fresh coming home from work

5- you can't find his cell phone laying around the house and you can't never hear it ring.

6- his always on his computer

7- his not worried if he get some sleep at night

There are sign that you will know if his cheating on you. Just make sure that you will get all the evidence before you talk to your husband about your suspicion.

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13y ago

This question doesn't really have an answer. If your husband loves you and treats you with kindness and respect, you probably have nothing to worry about. If you are really concerned, why not ask your husband to invite his "friend" out to dinner with the two of you. If he refuses or has a negative reaction, then maybe it is the time to question the relationship with the friend. But, if you trust your husband, and he has never done anything to make you second guess that trust, then she probably is just a friend.


I think I get your question that's missing some details. If your husband is talking to this woman everyday, do they work together or this woman is some where else? If so being a co worker is normal, but you can tell your husband why his enjoying talking to her every time he sees her. If this woman is not his co worker and you found out, talk to him and tell him what you think, before he really think that the grass is greener on the other side..

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Hire someone to follow him.

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... Ask him...

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Q: How do you know if your husband is having an affair if he keeps on talking with his woman friend and when you ask he says she is just a friend?
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How can you tell if your husband is having an affair?

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