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Their eyes dart back and forth, they are quick to object to ideas people they don't really know say, make pointless accusations and act stupid, sometimes making themselves really annoying to be 'accepted' sometimes they won't look people in the eye, or they won't have that many friends; or they'll talk so much and try to fit in with different people (hopelessly) and only make themselves even more annoying and very much unwanted.

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He will ask for constant reinforcement from you and others. Some insecure people bully people or are abusive/controlling because they feel a lack of self esteem so they get it from power over others. Others brag about how great they are, but this is a cover for how small they really feel about themselves. Listen to the things he tells you because this can give you a great deal of info about him.

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Bully others

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Q: How do you know if your boyfriend is inscure?
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