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It's hard to notice, but he will probably look at you alot, and, if he asks you for monall the time,it is not a good. Just so you know, this is coming from a dude.

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Q: How do you know if your boyfriend appreciates you?
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How do you know if your girlfriend appreciates what you do for her?

She will say thank you and try to make up for what you did!

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That question is not very hard, just find someone who appreciates you for you. You can't, boys only come in the human form.

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He is human and appreciates the times you spent together

What does it mean when he says he appreciates you?

I know what I would mean, but the only way to know what HE means is by asking him.

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back rub, compliment, or a flower

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Appreciates is a present tense verb. It is the third person singular for of appreciate. You use appreciates when the subject is he/she/it or a singular He appreciates good music. The teacher appreciates good music

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well, i dont know about you, but i would just be myself, and if he doesnt like you very much, then why are you going out with him. i mean i know you probably think hes cute, or will get you more popular or whatever, but you should just focus on what your brain and heart are telling you, and if this guys not into who you are then get rid of him.

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Appreciated. For example, He/She appreciates you having come to work today. He/She appreciated that you came to work today.

What if your boyfriend does not know how to be a boyfriend?

Sweetie, if your boyfriend doesn't know how to be a boyfriend, then just let him figure it out or tell him what he needs to do! Step up and be a women!

Your ex boyfriend loves you again but you have a new boyfriend?

Who do you love? Your ex left you; if you're new boyfriend appreciates you more than the old one did, stay in your new relationship. If you broke up with your ex over a miscommunication or something, really consider who you want to be with. Sometimes it's best to let old relationships stay dead.

I get my wife flowers and she says to me you didn't have to do that. What does this means?

It means she appreciates the fact that you thought about her but wants you to know she doesn't expect you to get her things.

How do you know when the right moment is to kiss your boyfriend?

I don't know cuz i don't have a boyfriend ):