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If she asks you to buy her anything, she's just playing you.

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Q: How do you know if a woman is playing you really likes you?
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Ask him " are you playing or do you really like me? "

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if your tall and the man is really attracted to you you'll know. if he recoils at the sight of a short woman you'll know.

How do you know if a woman likes you or is playing games with you?

Sometimes, women themselves don't even know the answer to that. Look at who she is in other parts of her life and how she treats other people.

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feelings change along with the girls mind and the way she sees you now

How do you know if a bisexual woman likes you?

You ask her!

How do you know if a boy likes you or he is just playing for fun without talking to him?

You can't. But if you don't talk to him it really doesn't matter.

How could you know when a woman likes you?

She lets you in the backdoor.

How do you know if he likes or he was just playing for another girl?

well you should ask him up front if he likes and if he hesitates or says well first then he is definetly not telling the truth. Thus if he says it up front then he really likes you.

What percentage of men know when a woman is attracted to them and how do they usually respond?

That is statistically impossible to answer and if a man thinks a woman likes them and they are even slightly attracted to them they will show some interest if they are single. They may also ignore the woman and not really care especially if there with the guys. It really just depends and cannot really be stipulated.

How do you know if he really likes you or not?

If he is more friendly for you.

How will you know if he really likes you?

if he is around you alot

How does a bisexual girl likes you a little?

well if a girl is Bisexual then that means not only she likes men but woman also so i don't know if your a female or male but i doesn't really matter a bisexual girl can like you.