Well, to know if a man has really changed-
But to really get to a man's heart is to actually manage to get inside his heart- to know nearly everything about him, to understand him, to know how he deals with things that you can help him with.
yes Victoria secret was invented by a man who maybe later on in life was changed to a women that is not yet an answer we know.
yes. i know a few that changed both their first and last names.
I really dont know
Yes, Chasity Bono has changed her sex. She/He's now a man and her/his name is Chaz.
i really dont know it used to be 818 but they changed it
I don't really know what this means but if you tell me i will be able to answer it for you.
As he walked on the moon, he changed history for ever , now man could really go to the moon , something he dreamt to do for years.
i really dnt know
Winnie changed from the beginning by, she didnt really know the Tucks now she doesnt want to even leave their side.
The Changed Man was created in 1998.
Honestly, this may sound cold but it's really just straightforward and truthful. You know a man is into you when you don't have to ask, "Is he into me?"
i dont really know but maybe they decided it was shorter