

Best Answer

There's no physical way to tell. He has to volunteer the information.

He's happy.

Actually if you check his underwear there maybe semen / vaginal juice stains if he didnt shower after sex before getting dressed. Also maybe matted pubic hair with dried fluids.

If you are willing to get more and more forensic there continues to be small clues. For example if he hasn't yet urinated there continues to be semen in his urethra. The Prostate and cowper organs will be deflated somewhat. In the Epimethius and Vas Deferenz there will be a lack of mature sperm.

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Q: How do you know if a guy is sexually active?
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You generally can't. There aren't any visible signs of being sexually active or not being sexually active, unless you see them in the act.

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Nearly 3 of every 10 Teenagers are sexually active according to MSNBC

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You can usually tell when a women is sexually active because of their behaviour. they seem happier but more secretive and not normal.