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You ask her a question then she doesn't respond or she says it with her mouth covered or very softly

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Q: How do you know if a girl is shy or just has a quiet nature?
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How does a shy girl let a guy know she likes him?

just hold his hand and keep quiet! he will need to understand you

How do you tell if a quiet girl likes you?

maybe if she looks at you or smiles at you. trust me as a girl i would know she would throw out some hints you just need to catch on to them

How do you become a quiet girl's friend?

Just ask her questions and take it on from there. This way you know about her and you can see if you share the same similarities and just talk about those

How do you coment on a girl?

They way you should comment a girl is first by getting to know her better if she is a timid or somewhat quiet girl. but if she likes attention you can try to just go on up to her a compliment her. these are just suggestions you might want to see how other people do it or talk to friends to give you suggestions. They way you should comment a girl is first by getting to know her better if she is a timid or somewhat quiet girl. but if she likes attention you can try to just go on up to her a compliment her. these are just suggestions you might want to see how other people do it or talk to friends to give you suggestions.

Do girls like quiet guys or guys who flirt more?

No girl likes the same type of guy, so I can't answer this question. You just need to get to know the girl before you can know this, and even then you can't tell, so, sorry.

How can I know if a girl is into me via texting. We just started talking but unfortunately her father is very sick in the hospital so i don’t know if she’s being quiet due to that like she claims to me or if she just isn’t interested?


How do you get a girl to know I like her when im the quiet kid That is Until I met her?

stick her and she will know u like her

What is the secret to getting a girl to go out with you?

Let her know you like her. Just don't do it too strongly. Don't get nervous or quiet either... unless shes into nerds.

I am 15 I reaally like this girl She is leaving in another term and I want to ask her out I don't know what my mother would think and I am a rather quiet person How do I tell this girl I like her?

just ask her out Timmy but i don't really know you cos my Friend has a girlfriend my friend just asked her out

How can I stop being the quiet girl?

Its all about the self confidence :) Know that no one is above you. We are all just human beings... No one has control over you unless you give them that control.

How do you know if a quiet goody-to-shoes guy likes you and your a quiet goody-to-shoes girl too?

if you guys are both goody-to-shoes you are perfect for each other.;)

How do you know if a shy and very quiet girl that rarely talks likes you?

She will look at you a lot and smile when she sees you.