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u can tell by there eyes ,,or they will grin a little bit . U can always tell the way they talk aswell.

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Q: How do you know if a boy is telling the truth or joking?
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A boy tells you he likes you and you argue over whos cuter but hes lied to you before but he said hes sorry and said this time he really does but hes talking to his ex again is he telling the truth?

he is really joking trust me break up with him and call me

How do you know if a boy is telling the truth when he says he loves you if it is a long distance relationship?

It's illegal to get involved with minors anyways. Stay away from the boys, reverand.

What does it mean when a boy looks at you and looks to the floor?

he is either embarrassed or not telling the truth... depending upon the question

If you go out with a boy and he says he never really liked you in front of the whole class is he telling the truth?

It would probably depend on the circumstances of him telling the class, there is a chance he was telling the truth if he went out with you just to pull a stunt like this but there is also a chance he was somehow pressured into saying it.

What does it mean when a boy likes your friend and your friend likes him but the boy says that they are just playing brother and sister?

Just accept it. He is probably telling you the truth.

Is Nick Jonas in love with Selena Gomez?

One little boy asked Nick the same question at a soundcheck ... Nick got nervous : " Yea I think about her everyday ... haha ... I'm joking ... great question" But nobody know the truth :)

How can you tell a boy is joking with you?

how you can tell if a boy is joking with you he laughs and smiles just as you would do with him. but he could also be sarcastic so watch out for tht.

Do boy's like it when girls call them a bad boy in joking?


What to tell a guy when you like him?

Telling a boy you like them isn't the easiest thing but its the best thing to do. Just come out with the truth tell them how you feel because you never know they might feel the same way :) x

Who can you get the boy you like to be with you?

all you do is be your self and he will like you i know you dont want to know that but its the truth and you need a boy to like you as you are and not a fake personality!

What if a boy tell you that he likes you but he is only joking?

* well, he pobably was joking, but deep down he probably likes you *

What does it mean when a boy keeps telling you about his girlfriend?

When a boy keeps telling you about his girlfriend it probably means he really likes his girlfriend and likes to talk about her, but the only way to know for sure is to ask him.