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He takes time out of his day to be with you, talk to you, call you on the phone. He takes you out places on a regular basis because he wants to show you off to his friends. He tells you he loves you and compliments you constantly. He doesn't try to talk to or get with any other girls and he is always there for you.


for starters...

1. time. only time will tell. he will actually try to identify and resolve issues to make it last as long as possible. he will not force you to do anything you don't want to do although he may insist but he will mostly compromise in your favor.

2. deeds. actions speak way louder than words. he wouldn't do anything to intentionally hurt you. As a matter of fact he tries to please you. he listens to you. he shows he cares. But if he feels he has hurt you, he is sincerely apologetic and remorseful.

3. gifts. he showers you with verbal praises and things. even the little things.



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Tell by the way he kisses you, with passion, or "I wanna get out of here!" urge, Its your call. Or Ask him. - - - Cement2- - -

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Q: How do you know he loves me truly?
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