

Best Answer

When they bitchslap you it is generally a good sign that they are annoyed;however, if this person is a good friend you can never annoy them enough.

BEST ANSWERIf ur talking like crazy or acting annoying you should know dat its time to calm down. There might be times were a person just wants to be alone n u keep on talkin to them just watch their reaction n if they r trying really hard to not pay attention to u that means ur being annoying.... Tsrust me I been in diz problem many times but this really helped me.... =P luv 4lw4yz Mimi
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Apologize and then stop giving them reasons to be annoyed at you in the first place.

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Step One. Stop being annoying. Step Two. Move on.

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If you're annoying someone without being aware of it, then it's perfectly fine. Let them know that it was a misunderstanding and that you'll stop whatever it is that's annoying them, so they know that you're not a 'pest' and just trying to bug them. Apologizing is always a good option, because it shows true character and that you know when you've done wrong.

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no it is not because you have the right to speek whats ever on your mind and to say something n someone completes gets very annoying. plus they dont even know if what they said is right!

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Not necessarily - but it could be. On the other hand - are you annoying the neighbors to the point where they call the police and then you stop when you know the cops are coming?? See!That's exactly what the police have to decide and deal with when the arrive.

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if someone was annoying you and you didnt like it that would be a good reason to be mad. but you have to ask them to stop and if they don't stop then you can be mad.

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If you're annoying him, stop. If you're not annoying him, ignore it.

Is annoying a verb?

yes. as in "Anna! Stop annoying him!"

How can you stop being an annoying friend?

If you have been annoying, it is because of something you do. Perhaps you ask for loans but you don't repay them. That is annoying. Stop doing it.

How can you deal with an extremely annoying 8 year old sister?

Force her to stop, pray, or you can do this. You be more annoying than she is, then when she wants you to stop, you say this," I will only stop if you stop being annoying." That usually works most of the times.

What do you do if someone has a crush on you at school you can't avoid her and you find it annoying?

just say nicely that you are not interested and your sorry that should get her to stop. :)