WHAT IS YOUR AGE. I say 10-about 13 should be TONGUELESS. Even 14 and 15 if you can help it. Oh and try to prevent "make-out sessions" if you're 1-15. Quick kisses are just as romantic and have less risks if you know what I mean...
The same way you kiss any girl: with your lips.
with your lips
with your lips
kiss her on lips
It means that the girl likes you!
Feel for their lips
cheek, lips, forehead
No. One Direction doesn't kiss fans on lips. Only cute girl ones.
It's easy all you have to do is get two lesbian girls and see if they love each other then their kiss. Second way get a lesbian girl to kiss any girl you want them to kiss but the other girl that's not a lesbian might get mad.
If he is very trusted then yes, kiss him on the lips. :)
i think on the cheek and on the lips