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tell her to f**k off.

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Q: How do you keep your sister-in-law away from your child?
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What does it mean when you see your sisterinlaw giving birth to a baby?

a cow

How can a mother keep her child away from their father in Ohio?

Take him to court!

Can a mother keep a child away from the father if they are still married?

No, if they are married they have equal custody.

Can a mother keep a child away from the father if she is 16 and he is 22?

In most places, the father has just as much right to their child as the mother does, even if they were never married. If the mother wants to legally keep the child away, she will need to go through the family courts. In some states, if she tries to do this without a court order, she can be charged with interfering with child custody or other charges. If there are no solid reasons to keep the father away, the judge may not grant the mother's request.

Do you take extracurricular things away from your child if he she is doing poorly in school or keep them in the activity?

Depends what they are. They might be helping the child or hindering them.

Sims 2 double deluxe how do you keep social services away?

Take care of the child

Can you get a restraining order placed against someone to keep them away from your minor children. Will it keep them from phyisicaly and say contacting them through the internet and others?

If a protective order is necessary for a child, the child's parents must apply and appear on behalf of the child. You will have to show why the child is in danger from this person.

What to do with child with measles?

Keep child in bed and away from others. Make sure child eats and drinks well and avoids scratching the rash. Monitor fever, if excessive contact a doctor.

Is it legal to keep child away from non custodial parent due to child support?

Absolutely not. Child visitation rights are granted by the court, not by you. It is illegal to prevent someone with legal visitation rights to see the child.

Should parents keep their children away from the rough children?

it depends if you're child is sensitive or not but most of the time you should

Can custodial mother keep a child away from non-custodial father and denied him visitation that was a court ordered?

no see links

How do you help your child grow up with a narcistic mother?

ask a grown up!!!!Keep them away from your mother!!!!!