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gift him a good bag....guy or girl indians love bags...!!

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Q: How do you impress an Indian guy?
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You shouldn't try to impress anyone. A guy should accept you as you are.

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impress him =)

How can i impress a guy i like and he knows that and thinks im cute and cool?

be yourself(: if that can't impress him then maybe he isn't the right guy

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sleep with him

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They wear something that they feel comfortable in or something to impress a guy. They wear something that they feel comfortable in or something to impress a guy.

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Be yourself.

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Are you impressed ? then he's trying to impress you. If not, then does it really matter ?

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You belong with me

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By being herself.

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impress him in bed

How do you get dressed to impress a guy for first sex?

wear nothing :)