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Hmmmm, this is a hard one. You might want to be her friend, you know, be there for her and talk to her about everything (including her crush). Once she trusts you, she will be much more open. Try to emphasize the more jerky ways of her crush, but subtly. Also, forget about being made a fool of, buy her some flowers on valentines day or something. Girls just LOVE nice guys. And really (im talking with experience), once you confess yıur love to us girls, we kinda just automattically love you back. That simple. Hope this helps!

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15y ago
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16y ago

All you have to do is find out what she likes. For example, hobbies, her fav color, or even maybe what she looks for in a guy. And here is a little tip, you don't have to spend a ton of money on impressing a girl! But if she is still with her boyfriend, you can move on. Hope this helps and good luck!

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11y ago

You don't. If somebody is in a relationship please, respect that. Respect that they're currently off limits. Respect that they're not available to you. Respect that their boyfriend/girlfriend will be uncomfortable that you guys talk a lot or hang out alone.

Don't flirt with them 'cause that's disrespecting their relationship & their boyfriend/girlfriend. Let's say if they leave their boyfriend/girlfriend for you, how would you know if once they're yours, someone else won't come along & steal her away from you like what you're trying to do? Would you like that? No. So don't be a home wrecker.

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16y ago

Why do you want to? Find a girl who isn't already committed to another guy.

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14y ago

go talk to her make her feel more comfortable and if you really like her a few days later ask her out

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14y ago

Pretty much the same as you would impress anyone else. Last time i checked they weren't a different species because they were married.

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Q: How do you impress a girl if he has already a boyfriend?
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Treat her better than her boyfriend does.

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That's NOT Cool man.

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Tell you her your feelings about her

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just by being your self

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just a friend

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