give him a hug and tell him
If she/he gets nervous as you hug them it means they like you.
Hug him first! go for it
You just hug him its ok
if you want to get your bf to hug you do 1 of 2 things either you just give him a hug or you ask for a hug.
hug or kiss them first or flirt around and tease them and ask them to.
no not at all
kiss my boyfriend and hug him
That you need to dump that sucker!
If you're boyfriend makes you nervous, try talking to him about what he does that makes you nervous. If he just makes you nervous in general, then I would reconsider the relationship as a whole.
Maybe he is a dushbag like my boyfriend. My boyfriend is 12 and I'm 13 and he won't hug or kiss me. He will only hold my hands and slow dance. DUSHBAG every girl needs to make a book for guys. He is either nervous or you just need to break-up with him.
1. hug him urself 2. say its cold and rub ur self, he might hug u.