When you lose a loved one, it can be very difficult to find your way back to the life that you once had. In many cases, people have to seek out some form of grief counseling in order to get through the process. When you are in the midst of grief that you cannot shake, it may feel as if your life just keeps speeding by. A grief counselor can help you catch up.
I actually gained weight when my husband died but many of the widows I spoke to did lose weight because of their grief. I think that our physical health and weight are tied to our mental health and that when we mentally become stressed out our body reacts by getting sick. They are all signs that we are under stress and should take action to care for ourselves. Also, our eating habits change when our life style changes through grief or worry. Some go to the fridge out of boredom or eat to ease their pain. Others have no interest in anything, not even food because they are so depressed. Yes we can lose our health or weight through grief or worry but we need to be aware of it. Once aware of the danger we can take action by getting out more or by finding new ways to cook etc. Life changes have to be made so we don't fall into self pity and get depressed. Read motivational books and watch positive movies to lift your spirits and help you to handle your grief and worry. Positive emotions can not live in an negative environment so fill up of the positive.
A book that will help you or help you help your friends is The Lightworker's Guide to Healing Grief by Tina Erwin. http://www.amazon.com/Lightworkers-Guide-Healing-Grief/dp/0876045875/ref=ntt_at_ep_dpi_1 http://arebookstore.com/product.asp_Q_pn_E_647
A pre-teen needs to be able to express their grief, through words, art, or other ways.
Grief can significantly impact a person's ability to reason in the short term due to emotional distress and cognitive overload. However, it is unlikely for grief alone to permanently impair a person's ability to reason. Long-term cognitive impairments related to grief are more likely to be associated with underlying mental health conditions or neurological disorders rather than grief itself. It is important for individuals experiencing prolonged cognitive difficulties due to grief to seek professional help for proper evaluation and support.
Donne suggests that expressing grief through poetry can help contain and give shape to overwhelming emotions, providing a sense of control or release. By capturing grief in verse, he implies that it can be more manageable and easier to bear.
Grieving is a personal journey when someone loses someone they loved and were close too and there is no set time for the ending of grief. No one has the right to separate the grieving person emotionally from their loved one and it would be a good idea to look the grieving process up on the Internet and learn correctly how to deal with the griever. The person grieving will in time get over the intense grief, but grief does not totally go away, but life will get better for them in time. Be a good listener and let them lean on you and if they choose to remember the deceased; look at photo albums with the deceased pictures in that album and they cry, let them. Crying is good for the soul and it releases tension in mind; body and soul. Approximately in 2 - 3 months you could help this person find a grief counseling service (most programs are free.) This will put the person in touch with others going through the same type of grief and making them feel less alone.
Be able to help someone ,someone needs your help ! so i am telling you is to help to make that person what feel doing good & been helped!Just everyone worth knowing, you will make that person frustrating, while which well help that person, Get through! WAIT SEC! What was your job, anyway?Answer is :help that person right !
It probably means you miss him dearly. If you need help I would suggest you speak with a grief counselor as they can help you through this difficult time.
Even long after the death of a loved one, grief counseling may still be needed. Grief counseling should help the grief-stricken to find peace and acceptance. Sometimes they just aren't ready for peace or acceptance after a death. If they are grieving months or years later, they still need grief counseling. Another alternative is the grief support group. Sometimes it just helps to know that others are going through the same adjustments that you are.
A great book to help you understand is The Lightworker's Guide to Healing Grief by Tina Erwin. See chapter 3. http://www.amazon.com/Lightworkers-Guide-Healing-Grief/dp/0876045875/ref=ntt_at_ep_dpi_1 http://arebookstore.com/product.asp_Q_pn_E_647
People always think that it easy to help someone in grief using a common sense. They usually give advices to people in grief to use common sense to fight the grief. However, for them it does not work, because if you are in grief, your common sense is also affected in a way that it is not useful to fight the grief.