- make them miss you
- NEVER EVER call them/text them!
- if they instant message you, wait 4-5 minutes to reply
- if they call, don't answer all despite!
- get a new bf or gf and make out with them in front of your ex!
- if you know a place where your ex hangs out, don't go there! it will make your ex think that YOU want them back, giving your EX the control and you never want to do that!
Things to remember:
- do you really want this person back in your life?
- always remember the reason why you guys broke up
- did anyone cheat?
- did that person treat you like sh*t?
- please, oh please don't get your hopes up!
- don't run up to them and say " LET'S GET BACK TOGETHER!!!!"
- if they don't want you back, it's their loss.
Good Luck : ]
It is to make his ex jealous
Forget it, they're just jealous.
* Don't waste your energy trying to make your ex jealous. Move forward and get out with friends and have fun and start dating again. There is a small chance that if your ex sees you with another he will get jealous and come back into your life, but it's a small chance.
they be jealous
Make him jealous:)
He might be trying to make you jealous, but he may also just want his ex- girlfriend back. In this case, usually your ex- boyfriend can try to make you jealous which can mean he wants you back and by making you jealous you will come back to him, or it can also mean he is trying to show you how much you need him, but you can't have him. The real answer is, no body can know other the the ex- boyfriend himself.
If you are with someone else then it really should not matter what your ex thinks either way. If you are trying to make him jealous and just using someone to do so that is wrong and not fair to that person. If your ex is jealous you will know by the way he treats you.
make him jealous
make him jealous
A person might get jealous of his or her ex because they have some unresolved feelings or issues that have not been addressed between them.
i don't think there is a way to make your ex jealous. only if she wasn't over you then yeah you can make her.
well if your bestfriends ex boyfriend is jealous of your boyfriend then tell him to get a new girlfriend or make him even more jealous for your frend because I'm pretty sure she would like that