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I don't think it's very faire to make him give up his parental right because the child is just as much him as yours but on the other hand if the child would be safer of as such then to get him to give away his parental right they i would

1. Always talk from the child's point of view when persuading him

2. Show him how much happier and would have a better start in life with you than with him

3. If he really loved the child he would be prepared to do what's right for the child

4. Do not ask him to give up his parental right just in spite of what happened over the break up !

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9y ago
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10y ago

In child custody cases, the judge will rule on the basis of what he or she thinks is in the best interest of the child. If you have reason to believe that your ex is likely to have a bad effect on your child in some way, you can ask a court to take away his parental rights.

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14y ago
  • If your boyfriend is a good person but you don't love him then he does have a right to see his own child. If he is on drugs; getting into problems with the police all the time or verbally attacking you then you can report him to the police.
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9y ago

One way to do this is to obtain a court order.Another way to do this is to talk to him. You can as well let others may be family members talk to him to see reasons for this.

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