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tell them you are sorry and you didn't mean to brake up with them you were having an off day ?

if you dumped them but if they dumped you then ask them why ? you don't have to sound needy or desperate just slip it in.

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14y ago
  • Love is not measured in seconds; minutes or hours. You are not running a marathon. 'Ex' generally means the relationship is over. If you have recently just broken up then try contacting your ex and see if you can meet somewhere to discuss your past relationship and find out if there is any hope of getting back together again.
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9y ago

Well if the breakup was your fault, you can get him back in a day by simply apologizing. But if the fault was his, simply let him see his faults by talking calmly. You can as well invite him for a one on one discussion.

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Q: How do you get your ex boyfriend back in a day?
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When your ex boyfriend made the comment he thinks of you often, but he then says he does not think you will get back together you should have asked him why as you deserve an explanation. It may well be that your ex boyfriend does not want to commit to a relationship at this time and prefers his freedom to do as he wishes.

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You don't. She has a boyfriend. Move on.

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make him jealous

Which is correct he is your ex boyfriend or he was your ex boyfriend?

"He is your ex boyfriend" is correct.If you were to say "he was your ex boyfriend" it would suggest that he is no longer your ex.

Want to get back with your ex boyfriend on valentines day?

If you want to get back with him on Valentine's Day you might want to surprise him with a gift or a surprise visit, but if he doesn't like the thought of this don't keep trying.