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Your ex is never going to miss you if you're always around. Do not call, do not write, do not UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES have "one last time" sex. Your ex knows that you'd like to get back together. If any chance of reconciliation exists, it will only happen if your ex realizes how much you meant to him or her. If there's just no chance that you and your ex will get back together, avoidance will also make getting over it easier.


My advice is to move on. But if you did the initial break up, you can get try to get your ex back, as s/he would likely still want to be with you.


Well, it depends on how you guys broke up. If you ended it, then s/he might still be hurt and not ready to come back. But give it time, and s/he most likely will be ready. If s/he ended it, then you should move on because, obviously, there were reasons s/he did it; s/he most likely won't be wanting to get back with you any time soon. Just try as hard as you can to let it go; it WONT be easy, I know, but you have to do it. Good luck!!

We don't have the ability or the right to control someone else. You can't "get him back" if he has moved on. Sometimes the best that we can do is to learn from our mistakes and live our lives, trying to avoid making the same mistakes.


Be patient and keep communication going. There is no fail-proof method, but, if it's meant to be, remaining friends can allow you to rebuild trust and a deeper devotion to one another.


I think the best thing, if the ex has left you, is to give it time. Do not search, contact, or stalk. But if s/he calls, the best thing to do is to answer and to act normally. If one starts calling or texting the other person, this will seem desperate and kind of childish. It's best, at least, to give them their space fo awhile. If there is a chance that something will happen again, be patient and wait awhile before contacting this person in a normal friendly way. When you meet, it will be clearer about whether there is still something there.


Why would you want your ex back? You need to ask yourself that. S/he's your ex for a reason.


The best thing you can do right now is to give it some time. Don't contact your ex for two weeks. Don't beg your ex to take you back. Move on with life and find a new path. Get a degree or a raise. Do things to improve yourself and make yourself attractive. Gain control over your emotions and don't think about your ex. After a month, call your ex and ask him/her out for coffee. S/he'll oblige. Talk about interesting stuff on the date and remain friendly. After a week or two of being friends, begin to flirt. Slowly, you can win your ex back.


Its simpler to get an ex back if you broke up with him/her. You may have to restore his/her faith and trust in you, which is never an easy task. Start out with simple things, such as coffee; then have lunch and then dinner. Don't hide anything from your ex and explain why you broke up in the first place. However, don't use a lame excuse. The best explanation is usually that you were going through a rough patch. If s/he broke up with you, all you have to do is to show your ex the mistake that s/he made by breaking up with you.

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14y ago

start talking to hem like the old times!ha ha

walk with hem in the hall!

and if he is mad or sad talk to hem comfort hem!

if he doesn't want to talk just give hem so space!

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