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Well first of all, if there harrassing you, there not you're friend (trust me from experience). If there mentally harrassing you (calling you fat, or making mean comments to you) then you shouldn't do the same back to them, you should either avoid them, or you should tell someone, Someone that you trust. If it continues, then you need to report it to someone imedialty or someone else (i gurrentee) will do it for you and make a big issue out of it. If there phycially abusing you then you need to report that right away. My supposedly "friend" hit me and i told the police and she ended up being mentally ill.... literally.

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14y ago

If you don't like them, tell them the truth, lay it on them gently. If they are a friend, tell them the truth also, but say you can still be frineds. Or just ignore.

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Q: How do you get your annoying friend to stop bugging you?
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Just tell them to go die in a whole and to stop bugging you

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Stop bothering me

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Try to act annoying, eventually they will get tired of you.

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How do you get your annoying friend to get away from you?

tell them that you dont want to be friends anymore because they are annoying or if you like them and they are just annoying tell them that they are annoying and need to stop or you wont be their frend anymore HOPE THIS HELPS!!!!!!!