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A big part of a relationship is trust and you have to trust that your boyfriend is into you and not her. I've had breakups where I did become good friends with my ex because both of us realized we were more like siblings then anything else. You have to trust him and if you really need to, bring the fact up with him.

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Q: How do you get over that your boyfriend is good friends with his ex?
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How can you be friends with your ex-boyfriend?

you can but its not a good idea.....

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just get over him

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I think the best way to get over a guy is to talk to your friends about it. keeping iit bottled up is no good.

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To tell your ex boyfriend you have to say were just friends and that i know i have moved on but we can still be friends but we moved on and i have a boyfriend now

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yes it is good if yall are not mad but yall can be just friends its okay.

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'Ex' means the relationship is over so there is no reason you should be in his life or even discussing that your ex boyfriend adopts a child. If he is with someone else and you are just friends then it is up to your ex boyfriend and his mate to decide whether to adopt a child or not.

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It is never okay to date your friend's ex-boyfriend.

Why do girls have mixed feeings towards their ex and good friends?

Girls once loved and had good memories with their then boyfriend and now he is her ex. They may have had the same friends so she may not feel she is welcome and that some people are siding with the ex and some with her so it is normal that she should have mixed feelings towards her ex and good friends.

Why do girl still have picture of their ex boyfriend?

Girls still have their ex-boyfriend's picture because they still love them but the boy doesn't.They sadly hide it when friends come over,actually.

What do you do when your friends with your ex boyfriend but you still love him?

Get over it and move on with your life. Or don't, and just be miserable. Your choice.

How do you get over a ex-boyfriend?

only time will allow you to get over an ex-boyfriend. also avoid him.

What do you do when your friends ex boyfriend likes you?
