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Tell the coworker it is not working and if that does not work tell him or her that u will call there partner and tell them what they are doing !!!

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Q: How do you get out a relationship with a coworker who is married and even if you have tried to back off they still keep coming back?
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If your boss is married then yes it is wrong. He's taken! If he's single it's still not a good idea to date the boss or coworker because if the relationship should sour the two still have to work together and it can become very uncomfortable or even nasty in some cases. You can't help whom you love, but you do know right from wrong.

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Absolutely, it is wrong especially if you are not available anymore. You might think that it's only 2 innocent friends that loves to hangout but it will be the start. But if you are married , or connected with someone and you still want to hangout with this coworker why not bring your spouse? That way no one will be guilty and no harm done.

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to have an affair is to be married but still have a relationship [love/sex etc.] with another person.

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quit being a wh@re....

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It's because you cant spell fifteen.

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If one of the Sims is married, they can't be married to someone else.

Do you still use the word affair when one of the persons in the relationship is dating someone else but they are not married?

No, only use the word affair when married, if not married it would be called cheating.

How can you maintain a coworker that you like and went out with still be interested in you after having mixed emotions?

be honest.