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Second graders shouldn't be crushing on fifth graders. Go for a third grader at most, dude. But mostly boys are older that the girls. Plus they have a boyfriend so, you have no chance.

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Q: How do you get girls to like you a lot if they have a boyfriend and im a 2nd grader and i had a crush on a 5th grader?
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Depends... like the girl should let her boyfriend know this..i mean we got to be honest in a relationship. However, if the girls crush is taken and she still wants her boyfriend still then i guess she just has to ignore her crush and focuss on her boyfriend which is the right thing to do i guess. Im in a similar situation to this where the guy i have a crush on comes first and i care about him more then i do my boyfriend which is sad and it only shows that i don't love the person who i am in a relationship with but i am trying to ignore my crush, and care about my boyfriend... hope this helps I'm a different person and I'd just like to say if it's a silly crush eg someone you don't properly know or a celebrity and you do still like your BF ignor your crush. But if you don't love your BF it's not fair to lead him on coz' you'll just end up hurting him more when (and you will do this) you brake up. In wouldn't want to date someone who doesn't like me.

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It's ok to have a little or HUGE crush on some one. It wont kill you but if I were you (and yes I am a seventh grader so I know) don't ask her/him out. But, don't be all sad about it.

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you should tell him that you like him :) ps im in 8th grade too

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Most likely 5th grade boys aren't mature enough to look for anythig else than if a girl is pretty or they don't like girls yet anyway

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Mostly if it's girls :)

How do you know if you still like your old crush even if you love your boyfriend?

by there persenalty

What was considered 'new man'?

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