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get her a gift if shes in your school slide it in her locker

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Q: How do you get closer to a girl who doesn't reply to your texts?
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What does it mean when a girl doesn't reply to texts that hint that I'm interested in her when she will reply to any other text normally?

well if you are cute then she is probaly too shy cause she doesnt want you to know she likes you or she doesnt like you

What does it mean if you text a girl will you go out with me and she doesn't reply?

It depends on the wait time. If you did it and she didn't reply immediately then she's away from her phone, she's thinking, she doesnt know how to reply, or she's saying no in a subtle way. Just give it time and see if she texts back.

What should you do when a girl doesn't answer your texts?

Wait until she does. Either she can't reply because she is busy, or she does not want to reply and you are just annoying her.

What does it mean when a girl who likes you starts texting you and she doesnt respond to your texts at all?

Playing hard to get.

What does it mean when you email a girl that you intersted in her and she doesnt reply?

if she hasn't replied its because she doesnt know wot 2 say or she is 2 shy

Why do you think the girl i like won't reply to my texts?

You may be talking to her to much. Don't text her at all for a while and see where that gets you.

What does it mean when a girl in my class keeps edging closer to me until she on half of my chair and constantly touches me but i got her number and i text her but she never reply's to my texts?

either shes teasing you or she wants you to talk to her in person rather then text her, maybe you should call her instead of talking?

What if a girl asking you for load doesnt reply to any of your texts?

You should consider what you send to her before doing so. It could end up being something both parties regret. If you are unable to talk to her in person and ask her why she stopped responding, the best thing would be to move on and move past her. There is nothing else you can do.

You like this girl and you want to talk to her more but when you chat on Facebook she doesnt reply a lot of the time are you annoying her?

if you no her well then no if you barley no her then yes man yes

I like someone but they wont reply to my texts. She also knows that I like her. What should I do?

If she isn't responding to your texts, you should leave her alone for now. Maybe she will come around. Sometimes the girl likes to be chased, but be careful (if she's saving the texts they could come back to haunt you.) Depending on the number of texts, they could be grounds for harassment! Proceed with caution!

What to do when a girl that answers your texts every time doesn't answer sometimes for some hours?

You do nothing. She may be doing something and can't reply. If you think something else is going on ask her.

Im talking to this girl she answers your texts but doesnt really talk at school is she into you?

i guess she feels more comfortable texting