Think about how close you are to him, if you are close then maybe ask him over for a study session, ask to go to the cinema with him and some of his friends and your friends then ask to have a chat with him then and you will feel confident with your friends close around you. If you are not so close then maybe you should find out about what you have in common with him and if you have something interesting in comman with him then talk about that, by text, skype facebook msn or even just a school? if you have nothing in comman with him then talk to his friends and see if they have anything they know that could be useful to talk about?
Hope this helps :)
get her alone
tell him to puck off
no but you should stay with them if your not in public aka in your house but in the movies or resturaunt then leave them alone.
can a 13 year old boy work at red cross
A 13-year-old boy absolutely CAN impregnate a girl. Use condoms!
it depends, if the boy is 13 maybe, if the boy is nine he cant have jizz yet
no it is imposible
As tall as any other Caucasian 13-year old boy in the world.
Just about every country in the entire history of the world has had at least one 13-year-old boy in it.
Do it