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cardio exercise


lots of money

be a very nice person

settle for a nice genuine girl rather than a so-called "hot" girl

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Show that you love her.

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Q: How do you get a hot girl if you are fat and ugly?
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Justin bieber does not jugge by apperance BUT!! he does not date UGLY or FAT girls!!

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by getting his type of girl .eg.the girl should also be a "socially fat awkward ugly lady"

If your ugly how can get a hot girl?

Be Funny and change

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How the Ugly Girl Gets the Hot Boy - 2012 was released on: USA: February 2012

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The cast of How the Ugly Girl Gets the Hot Boy - 2012 includes: Emma Neveu as Lala Dustin Pearson as Hot boy Christine Roux as Hot girl

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An Ugly girl that doesnt care for anyone and is a fat nasty girl

What are the functions of the fat bodies'?

To make a difference between ugly and hot people.

Can a fat guy get a hot girl?


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Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. She might be ugly to you, but not to him. Not everything is about looks.