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be aggressive

AnswerIm going to assume you are young because you used the word, boy. I don't know if you should be worrying about how to get a boy to kiss you at your age. That can lead to other emotions that the two of you are not ready for. For not why not hold hands while walking and give pecks on the cheeks. Have fun and do things kids your age do and don't rush it. When you are ready and old enough that first kiss should be so special and have sparks. all the peopel that you like might not like you back all you have to do is tell him are kiss him AnswerWhy would you want it to be force. You have to give him hints that its ok without being slutty or aggressive about it. You can just kiss him when the opportunity is right. Just be ready if he doesnt want to or isn't ready.


sit next to him and talk about life and thenlook at him. look at his lips and eyes back and fourth. then, see if he does the same thing if he does get close slowly the kiss him in a romantic way. First he must like u and if he likes u a lot ask him if he wants to kiss u then maybe he should kiss u and u and him could live happily ever after

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13y ago
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10y ago

You can't make a boy (or girl) kiss you. But you can tell them you would like it if they did. Ask him if he would like a kiss. If he says "no" then move on to something else. But if he says "yes" or if he just sort of blushes and hmms and haaas, move closer, look at his face and smile. Chances are, he will respond by moving closer to you.

If it's his first kiss, he may be awkward -- it may even be funny. Enjoy it together, whatever happens!

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12y ago

well as a guy i say

if you are close friends (assuming its not in a public place like school) just kiss him

trust me if you kiss him he wont resist and it can be a way to find out if he likes you

if he kisses you back or makes it a more affectionate kiss then he probably has at least some feelings for you. If he doesn't kiss you back but doesn't pull away, just kinda sitting there shocked then he might still like you but never thought you liked him. If he pules back, then he probably either isn't ready or doesn't like you like that.

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13y ago

I use this product called Satin Lips from Mary Kay. It makes your lips look inviting, very healthy. You can try applying lip balm to your lips while in front of the guy and that should send a hint.

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13y ago
you can force a guy to... like you but think about it there is going to be someone just perfect for you out there. just wait and see. :D

here is what you do. Flirt ALOT, hug him unexpectingly, hug around his waist, ask him out or get a bud to do it or write a note saying you like him, wait for him to be single, at the right moment kiss him and he will do the same. This worked for me!=)

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12y ago

I believe that the traditional invitation is "Kiss me, you fool."

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14y ago

Well, to make a boy kiss you is to just be yourself and make him comfertable. And put on a romance movie and when a kissing part comes, lean in closer to him and maybe your lips will meet!!

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14y ago

You just be yourself and it soon will happen. All you do is spread your feelings out and your wish will come true.

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4y ago

If he says yes he will blush hum

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Q: How do you get a guy you like to want to kiss you?
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If your 13 and you want a kiss from a guy you really like what do you do?

Tease him

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If he doesn't want to kiss you right now, wait until he's in a better mood.If he just doesn't want to kiss you, why would you waste your time on this loser? Find a guy who appreciates how cool you realy are; he'll want to kiss you, sooner or later.

How do you get a guy that doesn't like you to kiss you?

Just forget about him. If he doesn't want to give you the respect o liking you, don't give him the respect of trying to kiss you. Find a good guy to kiss you.

What do you do when you want to kiss a guy?

Kiss him and see if he kisses you back.

I really like this guy and i want to kiss him but he dont want to kiss you?

if he doesn't wanna kiss you girl get the guts and say something! Don't just stand there and do nothing, make a move or he will!! if he doesn't wanna kiss you wait, get out with him more, on more dates like that! then trust me he will wanna kiss you.

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he liked that kiss and he want to go farther

What guy want most from a girl?

Depends on the guy. some want a kiss some want something i really would not like to discuss. some just want to hold your hand and be with you laugh with you. i like those guys. but i also kinda like guys who kiss. hmm its a good thing my dad isn't reading this lol

Why a girl is s are to kiss a guy?

Maybe she want to show respect to the guy like the customs in foreign country~or she is really love thi guy .kiss is also a normall way to show love to others!

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a guy that likes another girl and want to dump u

What if you really like this guy and he grabs your arm and takes you to a room and starts kissing you what can you do?

Um. Well if you want him to kiss you then I guess you can kiss him back, or go further.... And if you don't want him to kiss you then I guess get the hell away from him?

How do you show a guy you want him to kiss you?

Tell him.

How do you get a guy to kiss you when hes dating?

If you really like this guy make him jelious and show him what hes missing but if he seems like he dont want to kiss you then ,try to be easy and hug him alot and try touching him some when its the right moment and look deeply in his eyes and if he seems like he wants to kiss you or lets you do what you please then go for it ..........if you kiss him then keep it a secert cuz you dont want his gf to find out !!!!