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Is the man of your dreams the kind of guy who dumps his girlfriend for no reason? If he'll do it once, he'll do it twice.

Don't be pecimistic about her but be optomistic about you to show him what he is missing

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βˆ™ 16y ago
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βˆ™ 13y ago

If he hasn't done it already, he never will. Which means he's totally using you. But, I guess the best answer I can give you is not not sweat him. Spend more time apart to make him think maybe you're seeing some one else. To see where his heart really lies. If he's smart he'll give you what you want and dump her.

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βˆ™ 14y ago

tell him you like him then lean in slowly and ask him out and why do you even want to?

tell him that his girlfriend is not right for him and doesn't deserve him and he needs to find someone who cares about him more and lean into his shoulders or smile and give him a hug and say goodbye next time you see him just talk to him intimately and play with your hair so he can notice you better.

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βˆ™ 11y ago

To get a guy to like you and to get him to dump his girl friend for you, make sure he's not deeply in love already. If he's not happy with his current girlfriend, be there for him emotionally and offer your support. He may break up with her anyway. If he's truly in love, however, your intentions my backfire and he may end up hating you.

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βˆ™ 11y ago

This probably isn't the answer you want but if you manage to find a way of getting this guy to end things with his girlfriend and date you or whatever, how do you know he won't do the same thing to you at some point in the future?

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βˆ™ 15y ago

you become really good friends with him and then once you are constantly hanging out you either; a. tell him and then let him decide b. go for it (with no explanation) hi

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βˆ™ 13y ago

make him jealous by getting a fake boyfriend and he may come back to you. now if he and his girlfriend are happy and it was meant to be then he will stay with her.

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hEY MEANS dump her!!! SHE is having a affair with another guy or doen'st love you anymore

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Ok, you don't get a guy to cheat on his current girlfriend. That's just screwed up. You get him to dump his gf first and then you can move in.

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Then i would dump him before he cheats on you with another girl. He obviously is a cheating guy so who's to say he won't cheat on you.

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that means when you wake up your girlfriend (if you have one) will dump you for another guy or because her parents found out... LOL IDK :)))

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Be there for her and support her. DO NOT FRECKEN DUMP HER!

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I honestly think that he'll dump her sooner or later IF HE TRULLY likes you but if not , he's just playing you. :/