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First of all, some guys go out with a girl just because of looks. Try not to fall for them. Get to know some guys you would consider dating and you should do this with your guy friends. The more you two know eachother, he might start liking you not for looks but for personality.

I've been in your situation and I liked this guy for a while but he didn't like me. Now after a while, we were still talking and he just came out of no where and asked me to go out with him. So keep trying and you'll find somewhere who loves you for who you are.

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He might date you if you were rich.

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Q: How do you get a guy if you are ugly compared to other girls?
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Can girls like an ugly looking guy?

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All girls are different in personality. Some girls like guys that are on the shy side; other girls are looking for good looks in a guy first; other girls like a good personality in a guy and some girls like the bad boy image.

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Depends.....It is your choice: someone can think a boy is hot but the another person think he's ugly! But you can be sure there are boys (and girls) that everyone will agree are hot or ugly. its quite a hard question to answer.

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You give him a chance. but hes ugly and the other guy is so cute and i like the cute guy alot and the ugly one only as a friend

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He's going to be a guy. He's going to talk to other girls. You just have to observe how he talks to you versus the other girls.

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Uh we twitch when the guy is ugly! We smile and bash our eyes when we think a boy is cute

When was Ugly Naked Guy created?

Ugly Naked Guy was created in 1995.

Do ugly guy hate girls because what they say about them i know i hate girls?

Ugly guys actually LIKE girls more then more descent guys! It is possible maybe this guy might not like some girls that don't talk very kind about his looks. But, you really shouldn't talk mean about a man, let alone person, just because they might not be cute or hot. It depends on how you treat this person.

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A guy who loves them and is not ugly or a loser. And if you think she likes you then she probably does and do not ever be mean to her, we hate that.