

Best Answer

am not sure , but i think that this happend because of "hormonal differences between male & female" >>>> exacly the "estrogen" in female.....


am not sure , but i think that this happend because of "hormonal differences between male & female" >>>> exacly the "estrogen" in female.....


am not sure , but i think that this happend because of "hormonal differences between male & female" >>>> exacly the "estrogen" in female.....


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Be a good friend to her.Always help her.Talk to her more often.Introduce her to your parents someday if you get chance just as a friend.Take her out.Always try to call her up when planning something.

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Ok, sadly when a girl says "talk to you kater" that means either she will or you were boring her a little. When she says that, the next time you guys talk, be yourself and if you talk about you a lot, try talk more about her. :p hope it helped, and if not, well.....psh whatever!! haha

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tell her how nice she looks

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Maybe he wants to talk to her more, and get to know her.

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you can say hey i think your cute and i think we should talk more