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If you comfortable enough with the girl that you can talk to her about it, then go for it. Usually though, these things come naturally. When you kiss her, try rubbing her back and gently move downward...see how she responds. You'll know if she's ready or not by the way she responds to your hand placement when you try new things. Single biggest tip--NEVER FORCE IT! This doesn't mean to not try and to not be persistent; however, if you force her to go where she is not comfortable going, you're going to end up alone and regretful. It's ultimately about respect for your woman. Don't do something you will regret, but do try new things and be persistent, you may find that she was just a little hesitant.

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Q: How do you get a girl to go farther in a relationship?
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First of all dont push her into doing something. Girls dont like to be pressured or forced it makes them less willing to do what you want. Just tell her i want to go farther in our relationship and see what she says if she says i dont then just lay off she will eventually come around and if she says i do too the go for it ;D

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It is difficult to divide her love. The best go and get your own girl.

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Yes! She's free! Go after her!

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Just leave her be if she just wants to be friends.