haha as a friend maybee
That means he likes you possibly. My guy friend flirted with me sometimes in 5th grade, I flirted back.
You will lose your present boyfriend and the guy you flirted will be your boyfriend? :)))
It means the best friend likes you.
boyfriend first. friend lasy
ANSWER: I know it's flattering to have that kind of attention, but if this girl has a boyfriend, be blunt in a nice way and tell her that it's flattering but you don't want her to get in trouble from her boyfriend so she needs to stop being nice to you. See if that works.
tell your friend no back off
You cant expect your boyfriend not to be flirted to by anyone. Make sure it doesn't get too serious and if it does tell her to back off and speak to your boyfriend about and if he loves you he'll understand and won't get angry.I hope this helps :)
talk to her she will understand if she is your friend
talk to your friend, tell her to back off. either that, or if she's hitting on your boyfriend then she isn't a true friend.
I wouldn't.
You could ask her to back off or tell your boyfriend to carry pepper spray. :)