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My best advice for you is to be yourself.

If she doesn't like you for you then she isn't right for you.

Some tips to get the ladies:

1. Wear deodorant.

2. Buy them unexpected gifts at unexpected times.

3. Get to know them.

4. Be a nice, caring guy (sometimes).

Good luck with the lady hunting!

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Q: How do you get a cheerleader girlfriend when her friends don't like you?
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well i think that he doesn't have a problem with them because he did have a girlfriend that was a cheerleader !!!:DSo i am going to say es he does like cheerleaders:D <3

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you should become good friends first then when he brekas up with his girlfriend (teenage realationships dont last forever u no) then when he is on the rebound you will be first pick

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If the girlfriend of your best friend (boy) doesnt like you tried to be social with her or not wait until she walks up to and saids something. If not just leave it alone if you dont want problems with her at all!

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have a threesome

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don't make a bug deal out of the fact she is a cheerleader, just treat her like you would any other girl

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nahhh she dont like you. she likes me. yup thats the truth.sorry bro.