Here are some tips:
1.Talk to him
2.Be yourself
I started dating in preschool but didn't get my first kiss till kindergarten (pretty young)thing is me & him are still dating 7 im in 4th grade
1. Talk to him (as shown above)
2. dont try to be all girly, and wear mini skirts.
3. be yourself.
4. don't try to argue or call him stupid, or dumb.
Personally I think having a boyfriend in elementary school is weird, but if you actually fancy him and aren't trying to get a boyfriend to seem cool, then spend time with this boy and get to know him. if he likes you back, he'll flirt with you, in elementary school this is usually in the form of teasing.
he went to elrod elementry school
Chester A. Arthur went to elementry school at Lakehoma Elementry School
Brooklyn Elementry School
willow hill elementry
how old is abiquiu elementry school please tell me
Chester A. Arthur went to elementry school at Lakehoma Elementry School
Rosa Parks Elementry School was Mongomery Industrial School for girls, She also has school named after her called Rosa Parks elementry.
Lafayette Elementary School
It is the bulldog.
well its an elementry school
You don't. Elementry school is a very young age to start dating. Be conerned with talking to girls and getting to know them.