A question like that interests me into whether you really and truly want a boyfriend who will stay with you and love you and be loyal to you or you want a boyfriend that won't really like you, always hurts your feelings and only uses you. So, I think you should really take your time finding a boyfriend. If you need any tips on how to find the right boy then you should really just ask that question next time. Unless you only want a quick relationship and don't want to get too clingy to your boyfriend or him to get clingy to you. It really just depends on what you want, so think about the question you want to ask next and that might help you get a boyfriend and not just in five minutes. Take care.
about 5mins
15hrs 5mins. No stops.
Approximatley 3hrs and 5mins
5mins, flip, 2mins.
Yes often evey 5mins fo me!
Duration 3 hours 36minutes.
it depends how all the adjustment are mad but its approximately 1-5mins
Switch it off and wait 5mins then switch it back on again 